Griddles are common kitchen and cooking appliances in the western world. In recent decades, the griddle has risen to popularity due to its versatility and durability. The griddle can be used for several purposes and can be used at almost every party and gathering. The Blackstone griddle is one of the most popular griddles on the market as it has kept up with the market trends. Blackstone is a trusty brand as they provide high-quality cooking appliances.
However, when you set out to purchase a griddle, particularly you think of the places where you can buy it. And this is a problem for some people as there is no objective answer to this. Nevertheless, we shall try our best to answer this in the most objective way possible.
Are there online websites where I can order Blackstone griddles?
We feel this is a question that can be answered like this: There are several websites online that offer Blackstone griddles in a wide range. Some websites are very reliable and fast with the delivery. On the other hand, there are some websites that can be a pain when you need your griddle in top condition. Of course, you need the delivery to be swift. Also, there could be some other inherent problems. These issues are associated with payment options or the terms and conditions for refunds or exchanges.
For this reason, we have compiled a list of all the well-known, trust-worthy and reliable websites. From these online sources, you can order your Blackstone griddle.

- Amazon
Amazon is at the forefront of the e-commerce industry. It not only offers a variety of goods, but it also offers several payment methods and vendors to choose from. It efficiently displays the several features and reviews about the product. Amazon then leaves it up to you to choose the vendor from whom you wish to make your purchase.
Customer Reviews are present on the product page. These reviews can help you make your decision about purchasing the Blackstone griddle. The Return and exchange policy on is somewhat reliable and easy. The delivery time is relatively fast.
- Target
Target is also great when it comes to providing the best online shopping experience. The store offers versatility and agility. Similar to Amazon, they offer several options when it comes to payment options. The website features numerous vendors and brands where you can purchase the product. Target’s cart system is not only easy to use; it is also easy to manage as all the items can be taken towards the checkout page within minutes.
Target offers a short delivery time to the consumer, similarly like Amazon. Blackstone griddles are available on their website.
- HomeDepot
Home Depot is relatively new and inexperienced when compared to giants like Amazon and Target. However, the marketplace still offers several options when it comes to payment. The payment process is fast, safe and reliable. The delivery time is somewhat average. Nevertheless, their sales services are extremely efficient. You will be completely blown away by the kind of support their sales team will extend to you.
What should I consider while purchasing Blackstone griddles online?
While shopping for griddles online, there are several factors that you must keep in mind. We have prepared a list of things that you must keep track of, to keep your online experience safe and reliable.
- Delivery Speed
It is a very important aspect of online shopping. You want your purchase to be of top-quality and you would also want it to be delivered as quickly as possible. Generally, products such as griddles which are somewhat heavy require some heavy work for transportation.
So an average estimate of the delivery time should be around 6 to 7 business days. It is important to note that you should never compromise on quality on delivery speed. However, this does not mean that the delivery speed is completely irrelevant. The delivery speed is as important as product quality, and you would do well to prioritize these both.

- Product quality
Several websites online offer fake Blackstone griddles at a lesser price and better delivery time. However, we caution you to be wary of such websites as it is very much probable that the product which they offer can be not from Blackstone and is low quality. Remember never to compromise on quality. Blackstone griddles are some of the most top-notch griddles on the market, so never settle for anything less.
Make sure that the marketplace on which you are browsing is trusted and secure. If the price seems too low or if the delivery time looks too quick, do not give it a second thought: move away from that website! You would rather have no griddle than a low-quality griddle.
If you check on our links to Blackstone griddles you are on a safe way because we always recommend only trusted sellers.
- Warranty
The Blackstone griddles come with a company warranty, and it is available if you purchase it from their official online store which goes by the name of Blackstone Products. However, several other vendors and websites provide their warranty with the product. This warranty can last years. Remember that it is important to have a good warranty inherently attached to the griddle.
The griddle is a delicate appliance and any fault or checks up can cost you a lot of money if you have not availed the right kind of warranty. Websites like Amazon and Target offer several warranty offers which range from 4 years to 8 years depending on the vendor and the website.

While there are several places where you can find the right kind of product for yourself, you can go out and get it from the mall or the supermarket, there is no other place like the internet. Online shopping places help you find the right kind of products on the right kind of platforms. The easiest way to buy a Blackstone griddle is through the link at the bottom of the page.
And last but not least: always remember to never compromise on quality at any time whatsoever.
Can I order assembled
You need this:
Flat Top Griddle Grill Assembly