Have you ever grilled with lava rocks? If you’re familiar with them, you probably have an opinion on them. Some people swear by them as the best way to cook meat. After all, they’re more eco-friendly and they also cook in a way that retains heat while cooking. While mostly known for cooking in gas grills, in recent years, lava rocks have also become a hot commodity in the electric grill market, and there are several reasons why.
Reasons to Love Electric Grills with Lava Rocks
Lava rocks are used to grill meat and veggies for several reasons. One of the biggest reasons that lava rocks are effective is because they’re porous like a sponge, with small holes throughout the rock. Because of this, they are great at holding heat.
When you use a good number of lava rocks, you can distribute heat throughout your grill, including into places where normal flames or heating elements can’t reach.
Lava rocks absorb the heat from the source and can help it travel wherever the rocks are placed, helping you cook more food more thoroughly without sacrificing taste or even putting harmful carcinogens in the air or into your food, itself.
Have you ever cooked something on an electric grill only to find a part of the meat or food near the corners or edge just doesn’t taste as well done as you like? Well, electric grills with lava rocks are great at preventing this issue.
In fact, using lava rocks in an electric barbecue grill can make sure that you have heat that lasts even after you shut it off, saving you some money on energy in the process.
Go ahead; leave the food on the grill before you let it cool off. No harm done! How long do lava rocks last? For as long as you have them. They can’t melt unless subject to over 1,000 degree farenheight temperatures. Even if you break them in half, you can use them again. It’s the porousness that’s key.
Top 5 Electric grills That Work with Lava Rocks in 2025:
Lava rocks can be used in electric grills, and there are few grills that come with special fittings. Lava rocks will need to be used as an add-on that you use yourself. (After the reviews, you’ll learn more about how to make lava rocks work with the grill you choose.)
First of all, there are only a few types of models that will work with lava rocks, and they’re pretty much modeled after the traditional grill or smoker in terms of shape and size. You will not be able to transform a clamshell (such as a 2-person Foreman Grill) into a grill that functions with lava rocks. Instead, you should try a larger type of grill — typically an electric, outdoor smoker that can use wood chips and has space for the rocks themselves.
Electric Grill with Lava Rock #1:
- This electric grill with lava rocks, used as a smoker for barbecue, can easily hold the rocks and help you cook your food evenly and thoroughly for hours at a time. This model is great for deeply cooked, all-day barbecue that is mouthwatering for your family and friends. Don’t worry about any special fittings – the rocks can go where your wood chips go. Easy, huh?
- This is a great electric grill that functions with wood and charcoal, but functions just as fully as an electric grill. You may need to use an extra fitting or two to make it work with lava rocks, but even when you’re not using the lava rocks, your grill will perform. This is one of the most popular wood pellet grills on the market, and it also doubles as a traditional smoker.
- This electric smoker is great because it has a large capacity, yet it can function just as well as some of the more traditional barbecues. Each shelf (there are 4) can hold whatever you choose. While it looks like an oven, you can easily add lava rocks to each shelf to help heat each level of food thoroughly and completely. This is a great machine, but the downside is the size and it’s hard to store.
- When it comes to electric grills and smokers, this one is in the king class, and it’s easy to know why. It’s very large-capacity, yet you can control the temperature’s electric heating elements from 180ºF to 450ºF. No, there is no specific fitting for the lava rocks, but it is easy to add your own fittings to create a lava-rock BBQ. Once you set it, the temperatures will stay steady, and you can feel free to walk away until cooking time is almost done. Again, because of its size, this is a difficult electric grill to store.
- The Ninja brand is a family favorite. One of the first brands of traditional grills to come to market, they now have a reliable line of indoor and electric grills as well. You can purchase some add-ons to help your transform this grill into a volcano rock grill.
More on using volcano rock grills:
- Buy some volcano rocks. Of course, you need the volcano rocks. Many of the listings will say that the rocks are for “gas grills” but don’t let them fool you. There’s no special type of lava rocks to use for electric grills – but don’t buy ornamental rocks because sometimes they have a finish that can create dangerous fumes.
- Buy volcano rock add-ons to cook with. Grillmark has a universal fit volcano rock grill add-on while the Brinkman model fits Char-broil grills the best. An indoor grill with lava rocks should fit either of these models as long you check the dimensions.
How to Use Lava Rocks in an Electric Grill
Using lava rocks for your electric grill isn’t as difficult as it sounds. BBQ rocks have been used off and on throughout the years to get even heating, and, most recently as an alternative to environmental pollution. Here are 5 easy steps to help you set it up:
Step 1: Set your lava rocks evenly across a steel grate. Do not stack them; leave them only one rock deep.
Step 2: Set the grate onto the top of your electric grill’s heating element.
Step 3: Make sure each lava rock has “breathing room” – don’t let them touch, give each rock an inch or so of space.
Step 4: Set the metal grill piece that came with your electric grill on top of the lava rocks.
Step 5: Turn on your electric grill and the temperature you want to cook at (the normal setting you use, no higher or lower).
Once you’ve completed these steps, you can now grill your foods until they are cooked completely. Don’t worry about “running out” or damaging your lava rocks. Even grease can’t make them stop working for you. Turn off the electric grill element when you’re done grilling. You should do this a few minutes before your food would normally cook. After all, the food will continue to cook a little while longer due to the lava rocks.
Store the lava rocks in a metal can outdoors until you are ready to cook with them again.
Summing it Up:
Cooking with lava rocks can be rewarding and exciting, especially for those among us who are environmentally conscious. Enjoy your cooking and don’t forget to experiment with different food types. Veggies will cook faster than meat. The best part? They will all be smoke and carcinogen free, so you don’t have to worry about feeding that gross stuff to your family.
And what will be the best electric grill with lava rock in 2026? If you are interested in this subject subscribe us and share your opinion in a comment. Thank you!
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Charbroil had a most wonderful electric table top BBQ grill which used Lava rocks..it was the most wonderful piece of cookware ever.!!!!…easy to clean..I used to set it outside on our table and it was so very efficient…It was about 12″ tall, bright red…heavy construction, 1 wooden handle on each side…you could grill, but also close the lid , turn down the heat and cook a pot roast !!!!…delicious…..It came with a small yellow recipe book and one of them was chicken breasts brushed with peaches and Teryacki sauce. YUM !!!!..Please Check your history It was around 1981-1982…..PLEASE, PLEASE FIND IT !!!!!!Thank you